August 2017

8.06.17- What was Meant

In the final installment of The Life of Joseph series, Pastor Daniel reviews the last chapter of the book of Genesis, and the end of the story of beginnings.

8.13.17- Scripture Alone

Dr. James Edwards begins his guest sermon series on "The Significance of the Reformation 'Solas' for the Church Today," by discussing Sola Sciptura: Scripture Alone.

8.20.17- Grace Alone

Dr. James Edwards continues his guest sermon series on "The Significance of the Reformation 'Solas' for the Church Today," by discussing Sola Gratia: Grace Alone.

8.27.17- Faith Alone

Finishing his three part series on "The Significance of the Reformation 'Solas' for the Church Today," Dr. James Edwards delves into Sola Fidei, or Faith Alone.