What We Believe
We believe that there is
life in Jesus Christ,
and life abundantly.
For the last 100 years, we have happily been a Presbyterian Church USA congregation, with no plans to change. Presbyterians draw their beliefs from historic creeds and confessions of the Church. This includes The Nicene Creed, Apostles' Creed, and others. You can access each of these confessions here.
Ultimately, we believe that there is life in Jesus Christ, and we desire to know him better each day. We know about Jesus through the Scripture, inspired by the Holy Spirit and given by God Almighty. It is through Scripture we learn that what divides our society cannot separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:35-39), but that does not free us from the obligation to love as we have been loved (John 13:34).
We are a church that is not trying to get back to a pre-pandemic life or world. We choose to embrace the changes we’ve all experienced and move forward into our 100th year feeling younger than ever. Today we share music and worship traditions, we look to the Bible for guidance, and we welcome all people who walk in the door move closer to Jesus and connect with others. This looks like mid-week activities to address the epidemic of loneliness in our community.
Through a diligent study of the Bible, we, as a church, believe that the LGBTQIA+ community is an equal and essential part of the body of Christ. Every person, regardless of gender identity or sexuality, is wanted and loved by God. All are welcome to worship and serve at Whitworth Church. All.
When you are here, our prayer is that you will see our values in action:
Deep Biblical Roots; Acceptance, Belonging & Connection; and Caring Compassion For Others.