Welcome to Whitworth Church! Here’s the pathway to getting connected here:



Nice! You accepted the invitation to look a little further at Whitworth Church. Why not come back and take in a little more? Introduce yourself and ask some questions (the people wearing nametags have LOADS of answers!)

Our website and social media provide information about programs and events, but we are constantly adding new things and resources as we get to know you!

Like what you see? Want to take the investigation to a new level? Attend a Connections Lunch to learn more about who we are. These are held three to four times a year and includes a meal, introductions of staff, a tour, and getting to know other folks new to the worshipping community.

But don't stop there! If you like our vibe, see yourself as more than "just a newbie", or are ready to call this place home, then you're invited to go all in...


Step One: Fill out a connections card so we can keep you connected.

Step Two: Time to start investing in Whitworth. Not just tithing to the mission of Whitworth, but an investment in what we're doing and finding the place you belong.

Check out the weekly bulletin, the EVENTS page, and our socials to find specific programs details. There are also All-Church events where you can blend in with the crowd! Generally, we do one all-church family thing a month during the school year like our Fall Carnival, Chili Cook-Off, Dinners for 7, and loads of potlucks.

Step Three: If it feels overwhelming to jump in, keep coming back to worship and grow with us. We have one worship service offered at 10:00am and online via our YouTube channel. If you watch the livestream (which starts at 9:55am), be sure to login and participate in the live chat. Recordings of the service are available on YouTube by noon each Sunday.


You were invited here in some way—and we're glad you accepted the offer. So, why not spread the word? Invite someone else to join you at an event or worship; someone you’ve met here or someone you think would like it here. Invite a staff person out to lunch or coffee or for a walk and get to know us, too. Or, accept an invitation offered.

You never know—good things happen when you say yes!



The church nursery is open most Sundays during worship for walkers to Pre-K. The adult checking the child in will be greeted by our nursery care provider. Contact Emily Voight: emmy@whitworthchurch.org

Sunday School for grades PK-5th grade happens at 10:00 every Sunday downstairs in our children's ministry area. Look for signs to lead the way, or ask the front door greeter! Contact Emma Moore: emma@whitworthchurch.org

Middle and High School students are invited to the youth ministry room under Tiffany Hall for pancakes and Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 10:00am. Contact Greg Sherman: greg@whitworthchurch.org

A variety of Adult Education classes happen after the 10:00 service at 11:15am. The line-up of classes are in your bulletin and the newsletter.

Quilter’s Club


We have a variety of events and programs to build a healthy and dynamic spiritual and social life. You never know what’s next, so watch for event announcements!

Walking Tuesdays Begin April 1st. No joke! at 8:00am Tuesday at 8:00am from April to October. Meet at the church and to some laps around Whitworth campus. (unless it is below 50-degrees or raining...)

Fellowship Friends is for anyone free in the middle of the day on (generally) the third Thursday of the month. We alternate between potluck in the church and field trips out into the community. Dates in the newsletter!

Quilter’s Club A group of sewing enthusiasts to make baby quilts and nursery gowns for newborn babies for the Crisis Pregnancy Center. We are meeting once a month in Tiffany Hall. Dates and times in the newsletter!

KNOOK (knit + hook) is where yarn crafts meets missions. Thursdays 6:30-8pm in the Fireside Room.

Faith and Justice Team studies and prays for the intersection of social issues and God’s justice, as well as hosting a variety of events to highlight these concerns.


Whitworth Youth: High School

Sunday School 10:00am in Youth Room

Tuesday Youth Group 6:30-8:00am

Contact Greg Sherman with questions.

Whitworth Youth: Middle School

Sunday School 10:00am in Youth Room

Wednesday Youth Group: 6:30-8:00pm

Contact Greg Sherman with questions

Whitworth Kids

Sunday School @ 10:00am in Mountaintop Room

Kid’s Club - Wednesdays @ 6:30-8:00pm

Contact Emma Moore with questions


Little Theology Want to talk about the sermon you just heard? Gather with others for a "Little Theology" conversation. Every Wednesday 6:30pm in the Sanctuary.

Wednesday in the Word Want to begin thinking about next Sunday's sermon? Wednesday in the Word meets at 11am in Fireside to explore themes and ideas within the scripture.

Women's Bible Study meets on Tuesdays 9:30am in Tiffany Hall and Mondays 6:30pm in the Fireside Room.

Contemplative Worship On the months that have five Sundays, we offer a contemplative worship service on the last Sunday in the evening.