January 2017

1.1.17 - Morning has Broken

Pastor Tom Sutherland shares his reflections on Exodus and God's treatment of his people as a new year begins. 

1.08.17- What If

What if the New Years resolutions we all make were focused on others and not ourselves? 

1.15.17- Ears to Hear (Part 1)

Pastor Daniel White begins a new sermon series looking through the book of Revelations. 

1.22.17- The Church Just Wants Your Money (Part 1)

Pastor Daniel White discusses financial giving and it's importance as a biblical principle to our spiritual growth - not simply as a rule one finds in the Old Testament.

1.29.17- The Church Just Wants Your Money (Part 2)

Pastor White discusses the implications of where we place our hope. If money, what becomes of our attitudes toward other areas of need? Contrasted with if our hope is focused on God.