3.01.17- Seven Deadly Sins (Part 1)
Forrest Buckner, Dean of Spiritual Life at Whitworth University, teaches us about pride in the first of a seven part series about the Seven Deadly Sins.
3.05.17- Seven Deadly Sins (Part 2)
Rev. Dr. John Williams begins our Lenten series on the Deadly sins. He discusses the sin of envy.
3.12.17- Seven Deadly Sins (Part 3)
Dr. Keith Wyma preaches the second message in our series on the Deadly Sin of Wrath.
3.19.17- Seven Deadly Sins (Part 4)
Dr. Josh Leim preaches on the deadly sin of sloth. This is the third part in our Seven Deadly Sins Lent sermon series.
3.26.17- Seven Deadly Sins (Part 5)
Pastor Daniel gives a lesson on greed in the fourth installment of the seven deadly sins sermon series.
4.02.17- Seven Deadly Sins (Part 6)
Pastor Daniel White continues our lessons on the deadly sins. Today he discusses gluttony.
4.09.17- Seven Deadly Sins (Part 7)
Pastor Daniel completes the Seven Deadly Sins sermon series on the topic of lust.